Tiffany and Terrell experienced first hand how two people can find love, build a wonderful life and almost lose it all to the cares of this world. They were thriving in love, business and ministry and somehow lost focus on the most important element, HOME. While being one court date away from divorce, God did a work in their hearts. They feel like they owe it to God to show others that there is nothing you can go through that God can not repair "if you let Him." That experience gave them a passion for life an love that they never dreamed possible. It inspired them so much that they want to share all the tools that they discovered to help other discover their best self and live their best life. Understanding, learning and growing with each other daily can lead to Greater Health, Greater Wealth and a Greater version of Self....
and they want to share their journey with the world!
Greater Health
Every body is not in the same place with their health and fitness journey. We all have our own personal preferences and limitations. The goal is not to compare yourself to someone else. The goal is to be healthy. Tiffany and Terrell are passionate about helping others set personal attainable goals and provide inspiration to start their journey and insight to make it a lifestyle.
Greater Wealth
The key to understanding wealth is to first recognize that money is a tool; not a goal. Money will only be an extension of who you are. God gives you "ability to get wealth." It is our job to develop the mindset to embrace and sustain that ability and turn finances into generational wealth. Terrell and Tiffany provide principles, tips and tools to create that wealthy future you desire.
Greater Self
Our life will only be as good as the story we tell ourselves. Many times we say things in our head that we don't want to see in our lives. As we control our thoughts we can can control our words... and it is with the proper thoughts, words and actions that create a greater life. Life has proven that if a couple of bad decisions got you in an unfavorable situation, a few good choices can get you out. We are a few choices away from creating the life that we want.